Thursday, August 29, 2013


75.000 fotografija u prvoj rundi

Objavljeni su rezultati žiriranja prve (eliminacijske) i druge (završne) runde žiriranja Humanity Photo Award 2013 (HPA2013), CHINA. Takmicenje je organizovano od strane UNESCO-a i CFPA (Kineske Fotografske Asocijacije). Generalno, tema natjecaja je bio folklor, tradicija, obicaji i nacionalne razlicitosti u svijetu. Na natječaj za prvu rundu je prijavljeno ukupno 6.969 kolekcija fotografija, odnosno ukupno 75.000 fotografija, iz 100 različitih zemalja. 

Druga eliminacijska runda

Druga eliminacijska runda, odlucivala je o konacnom izboru i plasmanu najboljih fotografija u završnu fazu takmicenja. Žiri je imao zadatak izabrati one najbolje od ukupno 6.969 kolekcija iz prve runde. Nakon izbora, najbolje izabrane fotografije su razvrstane u tri nagradne kategorije: (final round, nomination awards, performance awards), i po temama: 
"Portrait & Costume", "Architecture", "Living and Production Cost", "Festivities" "Education", "Recreation", "Sports and Technology", "Traditional Rites".

OVDJE možete pogledati plasman autora po temama.

Kolekcija "Djevojke s Rame" prošla zavrsnu selekciju

Kolekcija fotografija "Djevojke sa Rame" Senada Tahmaza izborila je plasman među najboljim kolekcijama u završnoj rundi, kao i zvaničan poziv za izložbu i završnu ceremoniju dodjele nagrada najboljim fotografijama u Kini.

Kolekcija fotografija "Djevojke s Rame" našla je mjesto među 66 najboljih  u temi Portrait & Costume, u nagradnoj kategoriji "Performance Awards.

Svecana ceremonija i izložba će se održati u decembru u Kini, grad Nanjing, provincija Jiangsu.
"Zahvaljujem se žiriju, čestitam autorima"
Senad Tahmaz

Kolekcija Djevojke s Rame
(kliknite za uvecanje)

75000 photos in the 1st round

It is published the results of the judging of the first (elimination) and second (final) round of judging Humanity Photo Award 2013 (HPA2013), China. The competition is organized by UNESCO and the CFPA (Chinese Photographic Association). Generally, the theme of the contest was the folklore, traditions, customs and ethnic diversity in the world. The competition for the first round taked part a total of 6,969 collection of photos, with a total of 75,000 photographs, from 100 different countries.

The second elimination round

The second elimination round, decided on the final selection and placement of the best photos in the final phase of the competition. The jury's task to choose the best ones out of the total 6969 collections. After the election, the best selected photos are divided into three award categories: (final round, nomination awards, performance awards), and themes: "Portrait & Costume", "Architecture", "Living and Production Cost", "Festivities" "Education", "Recreation", "Sports and Technology", "Traditional Rites".

 HERE you can see the placement of authors by topic.

Collection "Girls from Rama" passed final selection

Collection of photographs "Girls from Rama" by Senad Tahmaz passed selection among the best collections in the final round, as well as an official invitation for the exhibition and the final award ceremony of the best photographs.

Collection of photographs "Girls from Rama" has found a place among the 66 best in the topic Portrait & Costume  in the prize category of "Performance Awards.

Official ceremony and exhibition will be held in December in China, the city of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

"Thanks to jury, and congratulations to the authors"
Senad Tahmaz

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