Saturday, May 31, 2014

1st FIAP Spring Salon Bardaf - SLOVAČKA

Dvije fotografije Senada Tahmaza na izložbi u Slovačkoj

Prema rezultatima žiriranja dostavljenim od strane organizatora, dvije fotografije Senada Tahmaza prihvaćene su za međunarodnu izložbu fotografija 1. Spring Salon Bardaf u Slovačkoj. Fotografije Forever YoungThe day After će biti izložene u sekciji Photojournalism - Street.

Izložba se organizuje pod pokroviteljstvom Međunarodne asocijacije umjetničke fotografije - FIAP (2014/109) u 5 različitih sekcija: 1. Open, 2.Photojurnalism (street), 3. Nude, 4. Landscape, 5. Folklore and traditions.

Otvaranje izložbe će biti organizovano 14. Juna 2014.g.

Više informacija o svim učesnicima, kao i virtualnu izložbu fotografija možete pogledati na web stranici organizatora iz Slovačke:

1st FIAP Spring Salon Bardaf - SLOVAKIA

Two photos by Senad Tahmaz on exhibition in Slovakia

According to the jury results, two photos made by Senad Tahmaz were  accepted for International photography exhibition 1st Spring Salon Bardaf in Slovakia. Photos Forever Young and The day After will be exhibited in the section of Photojournalism - Street.
The exhibition is being organized under the auspices of the International Association of Art Photography - FIAP (2014/109) in five different sections: 1. Open 2. Photojurnalism (street), 3. Nude, 4. Landscape, 5. Folklore and traditions.

The opening of the exhibition will be organized on 14th June 2014

More information about all the participants, as well as a virtual exhibition of photographs can be viewed on the website of the organizer of the Slovak Republic:

Friday, May 30, 2014

XI Noć Muzeja - novi termin 7. Juni

Izložba fotografija na temu "Novi rituali - šoping i još ponešto"

Organizator kulturne manifestacije Noć Muzeja odredio je 07. Juni za novi datum održavanja ovogodišnje XI Noći muzeja sa svim pratećim dogadjajima. U sklopu programa održat će se izložba fotografija "Novi rituali-šoping i još ponešto" na kojoj će se Senad Tahmaz predstaviti sa serijom od 5 fotografija, koja je ujedno dobila pohvalu stručnog žirija. Izložba ce biti otvorena za posjete od 21:00h do 02:00h, a proglašenje pobjednika i dodjela nagrada je u 22:30h u Muzeju savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad. Više informacija o događaju i fotografije mozete pogledati u tekstu ispod.

XI Night of the Museums - 07th June

A photo exhibition on the theme "New Rituals - shopping and something else" 

The organizer of cultural events Museum Night appointed on 07 June for a new date for this year's Museum Night XI with all the accompanying events. Within the program there will be a photo exhibition "New Rituals-shopping and something else". Author Senad Tahmaz will present a series of five photographs, which also received praise jury. The exhibition will be open for visitors from 21:00 am to 2:00 pm, and the proclamation of the winners will be at 22.30 am at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, in Novi Sad. More information about the event and photos please find in the text below. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

NOVI SAD, izložba: "Novi rituali - šoping i još ponešto" - Otvaranje izlozbe prolongirano radi vanredne situacije prouzrokovane vremenskim nepogodama u regionu

Pohvala žirija za seriju od 5 fotografija Senada Tahmaza

U sklopu programa XI Noći Muzeja održat će se izložba fotografija sa međunarodnog foto konkursa na temu "Novi rituali - šoping i još ponešto". Senad Tahmaz je dobio pohvalu žirija za seriju od 5 fotografija koje se bave fenomenom šopinga i potrošačkog društva. Takvu odluku je donio žiri u sastavu: Đorše Odanović (predsjednik žirija) - redovni profesor fotografije na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu, Sava Stepanov - umjetnički kritičar, Andrea Palašti - MFA fotografije. 

Na izložbi fotografija učestvovat će ukupno 32 autora. Svečano otvaranje izložbe sa proglašenjem pobjednika i dodjela nagrada trebalo je biti organizovano u subotu, 17. maja u 22:30h u atrijumu Muzeja savremene umetnosti Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, uz prenos dogadjaja uživo RTV Vojvodine. 

Vazne informacije

Prema informacijama od organizatora Visart - Noc Muzeja, zbog vanredne situacije u Srbiji i regionu, prouzrokovane vremenskim nepogodama, cjelokupna manifestacija se odlaze do daljenjeg. Informacije o novom terminu i kompletnom programu XI Novi Muzeja u Novom Sadu i ostalim gadovima, možete pratiti na linku organizatora
Novi termin ce biti utvrdjen naknadno, a na mjesta na kojima su trebali biti otvoreni predvidjeni dogadjaji, pozivaju se gradjani da se pridruze akcijama prikupljanja pomoci osobama pogodjenim katastrofalnim poplavama.

Mole se svi koji su u mogucnosti da svojim donacijama (hrana i lijekovi, odjeca i obuca, higijenske potrebstine i na svaki drugi nacin) pomognu unesrecenima u ugrozenim podrucjima ovom prirodnom katastrofom u BiH i regionu!

Vise informacija o nacinu slanja pomoci na linkovima:

Pohvaljene fotografije (za uvecanje kliknite na fotografiju)

1. Na margini
2. Snabdijevanje

3. Shopingovanje

4. Kontrasti Sarajeva

5. Tradicionalno vs globalno

NOVI SAD, the exhibition "New Rituals - shopping and something else"
Opening ceremony postponed due to weather disasters in the region

Jury Mention for a series of five photographs by Senad Tahmaz 

As part of the XI Night of the Museums will be organized an exhibition of photographs from the international photo competition on the theme "New Rituals - shopping and some other things." Senad Tahmaz got praise the jury for a series of five photographs dealing with the phenomenon of shopping and consumerism. Jury: Đorše Odanović (Jury President) - professor of photography at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Sava Stepanov - art criticist, Andrea Palasti - MFA photography. 

In The exhibition will participate total of 32 authors. The opening ceremony of the exhibition with the proclamation of the winners had to be organized on Saturday, May 17 at 22:30 pm in the atrium of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, with the live broadcast by RTV Vojvodina.

Important information

But, according to the latest information from the organizers VISART - The Night of the Museum, due to weather disasters in Serbia and the region, the event will be postponed. New dates will be determined later, and the places where they are supposed to be open events, organising citizens to join the action of collecting aid for people affected by devastating floods.

We ask all who are able to make their donations (food, medicines, clothing, hygiene necessities and in every other way) to help the afflicted by this natural disaster!

More information about this event and the full schedule of XI Night of the Museums in Novi Sad and other cities, with interesting events, can be found at the following links:

Monday, May 5, 2014


Dvije fotografije Senada Tahmaza na izložbi u Australiji

Prema rezultatima žiriranja dostavljenim od strane organizatora, dvije fotografije Senada Tahmaza prihvaćene su za međunarodnu izložbu Sydney Harbour 2014. Plasman je izboren u konkurenciji od 700 kandidata iz svih krajeva svijeta. Izložba je organizovana pod pokroviteljstvom krovne Međunarodne asocijacije umjetničke fotografije - FIAP, a otvaranje je predviđeno za 09. juni 2014.g.

Fotografije "Watching" i "Musing" će biti izložene u kategoriji monohrom.

Žiri - monohrom kategorija

1. Bronwen Casey, EFIAP / MAPS
2. Mandy Ferretti



Two photos Senad Tahmaz will be exhibited in Australia 

According to the jury results, two photos made by Senad Tahmaz were accepted for the International Exhibition of Sydney Harbour 2014. In competition was 700 candidates - photographer from all over the world. The exhibition is organized under the patronage of the International Association of Photography FIAP. The opening is scheduled for 09th June 2014 

Photos: "Watching" and "Musing" will be exhibited in the category of monochromatic.

The jury - monochromatic categories

First Bronwen Casey, FIAP / MAPS 
2nd Princess Mandy 
3rd Brian Rope, OAM / AFIAP / ESFIAP / FAPS / Hon FAPS