Thursday, October 10, 2013

VII Internacionalni Salon Fotografije Banja Luka 2013

Dvije fotografije Senada Tahmaza prosle selekciju

Prema danas objavljenim rezultatima ziriranja, dvije fotografije Senada Tahmaza prosle su selekciju i bice izlozene na VII medjunaradnom Salonu Fotografije u Banja Luci. Natjecaj, selekciju radova i zlozbu organizovao je Univerzitetski Foto-Kino Klub Banja Luka u skladu sa propozicijama i pod patronatom Medjunarodne Asocijacije Umjetnicke Fotografije (FIAP)

Natjecaj i izlozba organizovani su u tri glavne kategorije: slobodna (u boji), slobodna (monohrom) i arhitektura. 

Clanovi zirija: Branislav Brkic, MFIAP, ESFIAP (Srbija), Dragan Prole EFIAP/s (BiH) i Branko Pejakovic Peyo, EFIAP (BiH).

Fotografije Senada Tahmaza prihvacene za izlozbu:
- Nekad i sad (kolor kategorija)
- Atinski metro (monohrom kategorija)

"Zahvaljujem se žiriju i organizatorima, čestitam autorima"
Senad Tahmaz

Two photos Senad Tahmaz selected for the exhibition

According to the results of the evaluation are published today, two photos by Senad Tahmaz was selected and will be exhibited on VII International Salon of Photography in Banja Luka. Competition, the selection of works and an exhibition were organized by the University Photo Cinema Club Banja Luka in accordance with the rules and under the auspices of the International Association of artistic photography (FIAP).

Competition and exhibition are organized into three main categories: open (color),
open (monochromatic) and architecture.

Members of the jury: Branislav Brkic, MFIAP, ESFIAP (Serbia), Dragan Prole FIAP / s (BiH) and Branko Griffin Peyo, FIAP (BiH).

Photos Senad Tahmaz for the exhibition:

- Nekad i sad (kolor kategorija)
- Atinski metro (monohrom kategorija)

"Thanks to the jury and the organizers, and congratulate the authors'
Senad Tahmaz