Saturday, March 2, 2013

2013 Greater Lynn International Exhibition

FIAP - Međunarodna asocijacija umjetničke fotografije i PSA - Americka Fotografska Asocijacija

Greater Lynn Photographic Association iz Massachusetts-a, USA organizirao je Međunarodnu izložbu fotografija u skladu sa propozicijama i pod pokroviteljstvom FIAP - Međunarodna asocijacija umjetničke fotografije i PSA - Americke Fotografske Asocijacije. Tema natječaja je bila slobodna. Za izlozbu je konkurisalo ukupno 1405 prijava iz cijelog svijeta.

Među fotografijama koje je za izložbu odabrao stručni žiri je fotografija Vaticano Columns (Senad Tahmaz).

Članovi žirija:

JACOB MOSSER, FPSA, EPSA, HonNEC (No. Reading, Massachusetts)
exhibitor, judge, lecturer

MICHAEL DI STEFANO, MNEC (No. Providence, Rhode Island)
exhibitor, judge, lecturer

ELIZABETH KEERY, APSA, MNEC (Bonita Springs, Florida)
exhibitor, judge, lecturer

Web sajt organizatora:

"Zahvaljujem stručnom žiriju i čestitke svim autorima"
Senad Tahmaz

FIAP - International Association of art photography and PSA - The American Photography Association 
PHOTOGRAPHY VATICANO COLUMNS accepted for exhibitions in USA, Massachusetts

Greater Lynn Photographic Association from Massachusetts U.S. organized an international exhibition in accordance to the rules and under the patronage of FIAP - International Association of art photography and PSA - Photographic Association of America. The award theme was free. For the exhibition's competed a total of 1405 entries from around the world.

Among the photographs in the exhibition jury chose the photo Vaticano Columns (Senad Tahmaz).

Members of the jury:

JACOB Mosser, fPSA, EPSA, HonNEC (No. Reading, Massachusetts)
exhibitor, judge, lecturer

MICHAEL DI STEFANO, MNECO (No. Providence, Rhode Island)
exhibitor, judge, lecturer

ELIZABETH KEERY, APSA, MNECO (Bonita Springs, Florida)
exhibitor, judge, lecturer

Web site of the organizer:

 "I thank the professional jury and congratulations to all the authors'

Senad Tahmaz

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